- Born 1750 Chester County, PA
- Died 1844 Clarion County, PA - age 94
- Enlisted in Revolutionary War Jan. 23, 1776 at age 26
- Married Elinor 'Thomas' Meredith in 1782
- She was born 1754 in Chester County, PA
- Children of the marriage of Thomas and Elinor Meredith
Born Aug. 24, 1786 in Londonderry Township, Guernsey Co., Ohio
Died Feb. 12, 1868
Married Elizabeth Bain
a.) Robert Campbell Meredith
Born Jan. 11, 1829
Died April 9, 1880
Age 51 - short biography under Lillie Bell Meredith Taylor biography
Several other children
First marriage- Robert Campbell Meredith and Sarah Jane Wiley
She was born Nov. 27, 1827
Died Sept. 19, 1866 - age 39
Marriage date March 27, 1851
Children of the marriage of Robert Campbell Meredith and Sarah Jane Wiley
aa) Eleanor Evelyn Meredith
Born Nov. 21, 1851
Died Oct. 19, 1865
Age 13 yrs, 10 mon. 21 days
bb) Mary Alma Meredith
Born Mar. 15, 1855
Died Sept. 21, 1861
Ae 6 yrs, 6 mon. 6 days
cc) Alpheus A. Meredith
Born Jul 17, 159
Died Sept. 19, 1865
Age 6 yrs 2 mon. 2 days
dd) Orlando Ellsworth Meredith
Born Jan. 4 1862
Died April 18, 1880
Age 18 yrs 3 mon. 14 days
He was called Wort. Died 9 days after his father. Cause was pneumonia contracted after fishing in the Little Rd River. Sarah Louisa 'Gray' Meredith
was worn out and sick from caring for Robert Campbell Meredith at the time
of his death. Wort died at the neighbors house where they were taking care
of him to relieve his step mother.
ee) James Ross Meredith
Born Oct. 9, 1865
Died Oct. 15, 1865
Age 6 days
2nd Marriage - Robert Campbell Meredith married Sarah Louisa Gray
married Nov. 25, 1867
She was born Mar. 4, 1847
Died March 23, 1894
Age 47 yrs 19 days
Buried Greenhill
Sara Louisa Gray was born in Ohio. Her father was Daniel Workman Gray from Ohio. Sarah came to Illinois with her family. Daniel Workman Gray had a forge and blacksmith shop. He made a pair of tongs at the forge. Ephraim Gray at age 4, sat and watched them made. These tongs were given to Ephraim Gray later, then given to his son Orley Ephraim Gray and later given to Dr. M. N. Taylor about 1957 and are now in his trophy case in River Forest, Illinois. Lilly Belle Meredith Taylor says she followed Daniel Workman Gray about when she was about 10 years old while he grafted and planted fruit trees. He said "I will not live to eat the fruit from these trees, but others will." He was old at this time but lived for a considerable period after.
Sarah Louisa Gray's mother was Marie Vermilye, before marrying Daniel Workman Gray. Maria Vermilye's family had been early inhabitants of New York City. Her mothers' maiden name was Osborne.
She was mother of Lilly Bell 'Meredith' Taylor and sister of Ephraim Marshall 'Uncle Eph' Gray.
Marriage date Nov 25, 1867
Children of Robert Campbell Meredith and Sarah Louisa Gray
ff) Nora May Meredith
Born Feb. 27, 1869
Died Mar. 24, 1877
Age 8 yrs 23 days
Died of brain fever according to doctor in Arkansas
gg) Carrie Jane Meredith
Born Oct. 30, 1871
Died Mar. 13, 1884
Age 12 ys. 9 mon. 14 days
Died of rheumatic fever and heart disease, described in letter from
Lillie Bell 'Meredith' Taylor Collection
hh) Lillie Bell Meredith
Born Jan. 6, 1874
(see separate biography)
Age 87 in 1961
Living at 1323 Jackson Ave., River Forest, IL
ii) Robert Leroy Meredith
Born Aug. 18, 1877
Died Sept. 20, 1950
Married Laura Guyot
(see supplement re: R. L. Meredith Family)
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